

Pamela's journey began in Mexico, where she grappled with the aftermath of a traumatic kidnapping and other life-altering events in her twenties. Turning to alcohol as a coping mechanism, she found temporary relief from her pain.

Though initially finding some solace in the 12 steps, Pamela still felt like something was missing. After five years of sobriety, she experienced a relapse that led to the loss of her marriage, job, and self-respect over a two-year period.

Determined to find true fulfillment in her recovery journey, Pamela realized that merely abstaining from alcohol wouldn't be enough. This realization sparked her quest for something deeper.

The outcome? A profound transformation.

In 2017, Pamela founded My Badass Recovery, with a fresh perspective on sobriety through online courses and coaching. She empowers others to break free from shame, cultivate resilience in sobriety, and embrace their authentic selves.
